ZeGage™ Plus 激光干涉仪
2024-09-19 13:02  点击:708

ZeGage™ Plus 激光干涉仪是用于3D形貌定量测试,和机械表面粗糙度检测的理想非接触式检测工具。



  • 专利的结合抗震的非接触式的光学测量技术,无需振动隔离平台或者隔离装置。
  • 纳米级的表面定量计量精度提供了出色的计量能力。
  • 关联的2D和3D标准,符合ISO 25178面形粗糙度参数标准。
  • 百万像素的高分辨率图形传感器可以在几秒时间内进行快速面测量,并给出的表面细节成像。
  • 集成的自动聚焦和聚焦辅助功能使操作非常简单并且减少了由于操作误差。
  • 可选配机动样品台,使检测的自动测量和大面积拼接成为可能。

  • 测量各种材料的面形,提供个中参数,包括表面结构,面形和台阶高度等等的2D和3D图形。
  • 可选择放大倍率和视场为系统提供更多选择。
  • Mx软件提供的用于表面数据图像处理、分析和报告的工具。
  • 配备的T型槽样品台使测量操作简单、可以重复的定位。

  • 与同类产品相比较(包括探针式接触式轮廓仪)具有高,及高测量性能。
  • 紧凑的机型,及具有专利抗震技术SureScan(TM)技术,使Zegage可以整合在工厂里的任何地方。
  • 非接触式的测量系统,没有耗材,不用担心使用成本。
  • 操作简便,只需简单培训即可上手,也降低了维护成本。
  • 大功率、长寿命的LED光源使设备可以长期无障碍运行。

ZeGage™ Plus 激光干涉仪型号:ZeGage™  Plus

ZeGage™ Plus 激光干涉仪货号:21031601

3D Optical Surface Profiler with Sub-Nanometer Precision

The ZeGage Plus optical profiler expands on the capabilities of the ZeGage profiler with higher precision, faster measurement speed, and an increased range of measurable surfaces – while preserving its ease of use, vibration insensitivity, and small footprint.

The ZeGage Plus profiler can measure a wider variety of surfaces – ranging from very rough to super smooth, with sub-nanometer precision, independent of field of view. Surface finishes may include ground, honed, lapped, polished, and super-polished on materials such as glass, ceramic, and metal.

For high-speed form measurements, the ZeGage Plus scans up to twice as fast as the ZeGage, providing faster time-to-data and increased throughput for production metrology.

As with the ZeGage profiler, the interactive control software, Mx™, provides easy and detailed visualization to help you control your process. Read more to see how the power, versatility, and value of the ZeGage Plus profiler can benefit you.

Powerful Performance

Proprietary non-contact measurement technology has low sensitivity to vibration effects, eliminating the need for vibration isolation platforms in most applications.

Quantitative surface metrology with sub-nanometer precision provides superior gage capability.

Correlates to 2D and 3D standards, and complies with ISO 25178 surface roughness parameters.


Measures a wide variety of surface materials and finishes, from rough to super smooth, including steep slopes and large steps

2D and 3D profiling of surface texture, form, step-height and more.

Non-contact metrology technique prevents part damage.

Productivity and Value

Cost-effective price-to-performance ratio compares favorably to alternative systems, including mechanical contact stylus profilers.

Compact, vibration-tolerant SureScan™ technology for easy integration anywhere in your facility.

Non-contact method means no consumable replacement costs to worry about.

Simplified operation results in low training and service costs.

High-output, long-life LED light source for years of trouble-free operation.

Measurements require no consumables.