5601 5601 数位电阻计
2024-06-18 15:25  点击:1160
姓名:陈莉莉 13715361554(女士)
Q Q :113511152
测量范围5601(MΩ) 测试电压5601(V)

5601 数位电阻计

  • zui大显示:33000
  • 电源:AC90V~260V,50/60Hz
  • 测量范围广:10μΩ分辨率~30MΩ满量程
  • :±0.05%
  • 自动/手动功能
  • RS-232接口标准
  • 测量速度10采样率/秒
  • HOLD、REL功能
    ?Maximum Display of 33000
    ?Power Supply AC90V~260V, 50/60Hz
    ?Wide Measurement range: From 10μΩ resolution to 30MΩ full scale
    ?High accuracy ±0.05%
    ?Auto/Manual Function
    ?RS-232 Interface standard
    ?Measurement Speed 10 samples/sec.
    ?HOLD, REL Function
    5601 SpecificationsRANGES
    Maximum Display: 33000
    Sampling Rate: 10 samples/sec.
    Display: 6-digit, 7-segment LED 14.2mm High
    Over Indication: "00000" flash
    Range Selection: Automatic and Manual
    Overload Protection: AC330Vrms
    Power Supply: AC90V~264V, 50/60Hz<15VA
    Operating temperature: 0~50℃ (32~122℉), RH≦80%
    RS-232: Baud rate 300, 2400, 9600 No parity, One stop bit.
    Dimension: 248mmL×93mmH×295mmD
    RangeText RangeResolutionText CurrentAccuracy
    300mΩ10uΩ~330.00mΩ10uΩDC 100mA±0.05%
    ±20 digit
    10uΩ~3.3000Ω10uΩDC 100mA±0.02%
    ±10 digit
    30Ω1mΩ~33.000Ω1mΩDC 100mA
    300Ω10mΩ~330.00Ω10mΩDC 10mA
    3KΩ100mΩ~3.3000KΩ100mΩDC 1mA
    30KΩ1Ω~33.000KΩDC 1mA
    300KΩ10Ω~330.00kΩ10ΩDC 10uA
    3MΩ100Ω~3.3000MΩ100ΩDC 1uA
    30MΩ1KΩ~33.000MΩ1KΩDC 100mA±0.05%
    ±20 digit

    1. Range selection
    The 5601digital ohm meter has two range modes: Manual and Auto range. Measurement range can be selected using either auto range (pressing the-Auto button) or manual range (pressing the ▲or▼button).
    In autorange, the ohm meter higher range when the reading is at full scale 30000 counts, and lower range when the rending below 9% of full scale 2700 counts, while the instrument changes range. The auto range up to the hightest range 30M ohms,
    down to the 300m ohms.
    Resistance measurements from 10μ ohms to 30M ohms in 9 range: 300m ohms, 3 ohms, 30 ohms, 300 ohms, 3K ohms, 30K ohms, 300K ohms,
    3M ohms, 30M ohms.

    2. HOLD Modifier
    The 5601 is operating in a display hold mode, the Hold modifier allows you to take a measurement and "hold" that measurement on the display.

    3. Four-Wire Measurement
    The 5601 makes 4 wire ohms measurements as known in Figure 1.
    The source HI and LO leads apply a known, internal current source to the unknown resistance, the voltage drop across the unknown resistance.

    Figure 1