天瑞edx1800 天瑞edx仪器
2024-05-31 08:31  点击:1559

Function introduction: It can analyze the components of the samples rapidly and accurately.

² 有多种分析计算数学模型,方便对不同材料,不同样品的分析测量

It has several mathematical analysis and calculation models to analyze and measure different materials and samples.

² 可制作多条工作曲线,各个曲线测试条件,样品测试方便

It can makes several working curves, each having its own working condition, which offers convenient sample testing.

² 可自由设定仪器的管压、管流,对样品中所含元素测量更具有针对性

It can freely set the tube voltage and tube current of the instrument, which results in clearer aim of the testing of the content of the elements in the samples.

² 具有自动定性分析功能,方便对材料进行分析

It is able to conduct qualitative analysis automatically, which is convenient for material testing.

² 具有虚谱对比功能,方便材料对比分析

It is able to compare reference spectra, which is convenient for material testing.